Do I have to pay to use Amazing Mile Marker Stops website?

  • No – it is a free service! We are funded by advertisers who want your business.

Does Amazing Mile Marker Stops only list businesses that pay to advertise?

  • No – at Amazing Mile Marker Stops, our mission is to make as much information available to boaters as we possibly can, so we list every stop that would be of interest to boaters regardless of payment.

I really like this site – what can I do to help make it better?

Two things:

  • Send us information about new amazing stops that are not currently listed or to correct errors in stops already listed, and
  • Tell businesses you visit that you found out about them from Amazing Mile Marker Stops. The more they hear our name the more likely they will support us with their advertising dollars which will enable us to continue to improve the site!

What distance is considered “in range” of our boats?

  • Currently, we use about 6 blocks as a maximum walking distance and 2 miles for bicycling. Obviously, if you are in good shape, you may choose to walk to somewhere we recommend a bicycle. Additionally, we sometimes will list a stop further away if it is of such interest to boaters that it would be worth bicycling that far.

Who can sponsor an Amazing Mile Marker?

  • Generally, it is businesses that want to let you know they are located at that marker who sponsor the marker. However, anyone can sponsor a marker. Maybe it’s your favorite stop or you want to dedicate it to someone or you want to let boaters know about your blog or website. Regardless of the reason, AMMS marker sponsorships are available to all !